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之 zhi

Home Pinyin zhi

称之为 chēng zhī wèi call it

持之以恒 chízhīyǐhéng persevere

除此之外 chú cǐ zhī wài other than this

当之无愧 dāngzhīwúkuì well deserved

反之 fǎnzhī on the contrary

久而久之 jiǔérjiǔzhī over time

举手之劳 jǔshǒuzhīláo raise your hand

来之不易 lái zhī bùyì hard to come by

冥冥之中 míng míng zhī zhōng in the middle of it

三寸之舌 sān cùn zhī shé three inch tongue

三分之二 sān fēn zhī èr two-thirds

三分之一 sān fēn zhī yī one third

使之 shǐ zhī make it

一步之遥 yībù zhī yáo step far

一技之长 yījìzhīcháng skill

一家之言 yījiāzhīyán family statement

一箭之仇 yī jiàn zhī chóu revenge

一念之间 yīniàn zhī jiān in a moment

一席之地 yīxízhīdì place

一言蔽之 yī yán bì zhī in a word

有生之年 yǒushēngzhīnián lifetime

之处 zhī chù where

之后 zhīhòu after that

之际 zhī jì on the occasion

之家 zhī jiā ones home

之间 zhī jiān between

之流 zhīliú ilk

之内 zhī nèi within

之前 zhīqián prior to

之情 zhī qíng feelings

之上 zhī shàng above

之所以 zhī suǒyǐ reason

之外 zhī wài outside

之下 zhī xià under

之一 zhī yī one

之余 zhī yú excess

之中 zhī zhōng among

总之 zǒngzhī in short; nutshell

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce